How to lose weight actively post pregnancy

Women who are new to parenting are frequently taken aback by how overwhelming the goal of post pregnancy weight loss appears to be. Postpartum weight gain is a frequent occurrence for most women. Don’t worry if you’re having trouble losing those extra pounds after baby; you’re not alone.

Weight gain after pregnancy can be explained scientifically and should not be a reason for concern. This article will go over what causes you to gain weight after pregnancy, how to lose weight naturally after pregnancy, the usual time it takes to lose baby weight, after pregnancy weight loss diets you can follow, and foods you should and should not eat to speed up your post pregnancy weight loss. Book your appointment with Dr. Chetna Jain who is the best gynae in Gurgaon.

How to Lose Weight After Pregnancy

A few pointers on how to lose weight naturally after pregnancy are provided below.

  1. Consume plenty of water

Staying hydrated is beneficial to your health in a variety of ways. For one thing, it increases your metabolism. It also aids in appetite control by making you feel full. You don’t have to follow the recommended water intake for your BMI right away; merely keep an eye on the transparency of your pee. If your urine is cloudy, you should increase your water consumption; if it is clear, you can be confident that you are drinking enough water.

  1. Exercise

For postpartum weight loss, you can follow a postpartum weight loss eating plan. However, in most situations, following a post pregnancy weight loss diet will not be enough to achieve the desired weight loss outcomes. If you want to lose weight quickly after pregnancy, you must include an exercise regimen in your post pregnancy weight loss plan. Consider adding weight training or aerobic activity to help you burn calories while also strengthening your muscles and bones. New mothers should aim to incorporate exercise into their daily routines—not only for postpartum weight loss, but also for a variety of other benefits. It can help them ease the stress of having a new baby in the house, boost their mood, and enhance their sleep quality.

  1. Don’t skimp on sleep

With a toddler vying for your attention at all times, this may appear to be a difficult task, but a lack of sleep can seriously jeopardise your post pregnancy weight loss ambitions. When you are sleep deprived, you are more likely to engage in poor lifestyle choices such as binge eating and drinking, which will not help you lose weight. If you are weary throughout the day as a result of not getting enough sleep at night, your body will release the cortisol hormone, which can exacerbate your hunger cravings.

  1. Have realistic expectations

Yes, famous post pregnancy weight reduction stories may lead you to assume that you may return to your pre-pregnancy form in a matter of months, but these stories are not always accurate.

Even if they are, keep in mind that they have an entire staff sketching out their post pregnancy weight loss route for them. According to research, the average period to remove baby weight can be more than a year. You may not be able to return to your pre-pregnancy body for a year or two, if at all.

  1. Keep healthy snacks in hand


Breastfeeding mothers are prone to unexpected hunger and appetite increases. These hunger spikes, if not managed properly, can contribute to weight gain. Instead, if you stock up on fruits, sprouts, veggies, nuts, and yoghurt to eat when hungry, you may be able to reduce the usual time it takes to lose baby weight in your situation.

Participate in a post pregnancy weight loss support group.

Weight loss groups might help you stay motivated on your postpartum weight loss journey.

Diet post pregnancy

Your postpartum weight loss diet should never be a quick fix. With a dependable post pregnancy weight reduction eating plan, you should be able to reduce your pregnancy weight gradually and effectively. Women require between 1500 and 2200 calories per day to sustain normal body function. If you are nursing, you should consume at least 1800 calories each day to ensure that both you and your body are properly nourished.

Aim for a weekly weight loss of about 1.5 pounds; you don’t want to lose weight too quickly after pregnancy. If you lose too much weight after your pregnancy, your body may leak toxins into your bloodstream, polluting your breast milk and perhaps causing severe injury to the nursing infant. If you’ve been eating more calories than you need, strive to decrease 500 calories every day from your diet. You could achieve this by eating fewer quantities or increasing your physical exercise.

Most postpartum weight loss diet regimens recommend that new mothers consume 5-6 modest meals per day, interspersed with nutritious snacks. They also advise ladies to avoid skipping meals because it causes them to overeat at other times. Breakfast should never be skipped, especially if you’re on a post pregnancy weight loss regimen. It will keep you from feeling tired later in the day and will allow you to complete your everyday duties with greater focus. For gynecologist in Gurugram, contact Dr. Chetna Jain.

Foods to consume

When you’ve decided to begin your post pregnancy weight reduction diet plan, be sure you’re consuming the correct foods that will help you reach your goal. You can get aid from the foods listed below:

  • Fiber

Fiber-rich foods boost digestive health. Consuming soluble fibre regulates your appetite hormones, allowing you to eat less.

  • Protein

Lean meat, eggs, fish, dairy, and other forms of nutritious protein can increase your metabolism and lower your calorie intake by suppressing your appetite.

  • Carbohydrates

Because complex carbohydrates take longer to break down, they give you with energy throughout the day.

  • Fats that are unsaturated and polyunsaturated

If you want to lose weight after having a baby, don’t cut out all fat. Instead, eat foods high in unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are good for your body and promote heart function.

Avoidance foods

Certain foods should be avoided if you want to be successful with your post pregnancy weight loss. They are as follows:

  • Sugary and/or refined carbohydrate-containing foods

Foods heavy in sugar and refined carbohydrates have little nutritious value while being high in calories. Consuming foods with a high calorific content but poor nutritive value can cause weight gain and raise your risk of developing heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Avoid fizzy and sugary drinks, as well as other processed food alternatives such as packaged cookies, cakes, and the like. Instead, choose whole foods. If you must have something sweet, opt for organic bakery sweets rather than processed and packaged cookies.

  • Processed food products

Processed food, as previously said, is unhealthy for you. Processed foods, such as fast food and pre-packaged foods, are high in sugar, bad fat, calories, and salt. All of these are counterproductive to your weight loss attempts. Instead, try to eat nutrient-dense, fresh whole meals like fruits and vegetables.

  • Alcohol

Alcohol is high in calories but low in nutrients. Alcohol drinking contributes to belly obesity as well. It not only undermines your postpartum weight loss efforts, but it can also be harmful to your kid. Alcohol in trace levels might be passed on to your child through breast milk. Alcohol can also temporarily limit the volume of your breast milk. Not to mention the possibility of developing a dependency, which would interfere with your usual sleep quality. Schedule your appointment with Dr. Chetna Jain who is the best gynecologist in Gurugram.

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