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Gynecological Care In Gurgaon

Gynecological Care In Gurgaon

Comprehensive Gynecological

After the age of 13, every woman should have a gynecological exam every year. Routine gynecological examinations, including diagnostic tests, even though no signs are present, are necessary to monitor for irregularities. You can detect and easily identify any condition at an early stage by routine gynecological exams. Many women just see a gynecologist when there is a problem. Visiting a gynecologist regularly can be beneficial to your reproductive health. Feel free to discuss sensitive topics such as sex, birth control, and menopause issues with your gynecologist, which you would otherwise be uncomfortable sharing with someone else.

Fertility Enhancing Surgeries Fertility Enhancing Surgery is a surgical procedure that is performed to correct infertility problems. Several medical conditions can contribute to infertility, such as fibroids, endometriosis, scar tissue in the pelvic region, and uterine abnormalities. Surgical solutions include hysteroscopy and laparoscopic surgery. They are minimally invasive procedures that are preferable over traditional/standard surgeries because they require less healing time and improved cosmetic outcomes

Menstruation itself induces discomfort in women leading to multiple unpleasant signs. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is one of the most important conditions linked to menstrual problems. PMS involves moderate stomach cramps and fatigue. If the menstruation is too heavy or too soft or is absent or erratic, it can mean that other conditions are causing excessive menstruation. Menstruation can be painful many times. This pain is much more exaggerating and different from the cramps experienced in PMS. Painful cycles can be due to multiple underlying medical conditions, such as fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disorders, and endometriosis. Any woman doesn't have any cycles at all. This may be due to pituitary gland defects, a congenital disorder in the reproductive system, or a delay in puberty.

Adolescent gynecology is committed to providing adequate treatment for young people and their needs. Young girls undergo numerous changes in their bodies as they grow up. Adolescent gynecology requires the diagnosis and treatment of issues with gynecology in this age group. Congenital reproductive defects, gender growth disorders, gender identity, gynecological malignancies, and reproductive endocrinopathies are specified in adolescent gynecology.

The natural decrease in female reproductive hormones after they reach the age of 40 and 50 is known as menopause. Menopause is assumed after a woman has not been menstruating for 12 months in a row and can no longer conceive. It is primarily due to reduced levels of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, FSH, and LH. Menopause can induce highly painful symptoms such as hot flashes, weight gain, vaginal dryness, chills, night sweat, sleep disturbances, mood changes, and a slower metabolism. If the symptoms are extreme and affect your everyday life, proper management is needed.

PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome affects 10% of the female population. In PCOS, the ovaries are swollen by small cysts on the outer margins. The origin is unknown, although it may be related to genetic and environmental causes. It is a lifestyle disease that includes hormone dysfunction that may induce multiple gynecological disorders such as irregular periods, weight gain, obesity, hirsutism, infertility, and several perimenopausal issues. Some traditional treatment approaches include irregular periods, medications to suppress diabetes, fertility-enhancing hormones, statins to control elevated cholesterol levels, and procedures to eliminate excess hair growth.

Endometriosis is a painful disorder in which the endometrium lining of the uterus expands outside of the uterus. In this condition, the tissue is located on the ovary, fallopian tube, or vaginal lining. Endometriosis affects up to 1 in every 10 female populations. The tissue that develops outside the uterus can cause inflammation, scarring, problems with fertility, as well as extreme pain during periods. The symptoms of endometriosis can vary from person to person. Experience can vary from minor symptoms to moderate to extreme symptoms. Symptoms can include vaginal discomfort, irregular periods, cramps for up to two weeks, excessive bleeding during menstruation, pain during sexual intercourse, and infertility.

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